Building Representatives

Active and effective building representatives and school union committees organize, engage, empower, inspire and mobilize members on issues important to our schools and students. 

UBTA recognizes that sustained, meaningful member engagement around issues is the foundation of a strong union


Notify your Building Representative(s) to understand your rights as an educator.

If you suspect or feel uncomfortable about a work situation, discussion with a co-worker or supervisor or an interaction with a student, Notify your Building Rep.

DO NOT sign, say, or agree to anything.

DO NOT make a verbal or write statements.

Here is some practical advice, which you should use to protect your rights:

•  If confronted with charges, remain calm and courteous. Be polite but remain silent. 

•  Ask for your Union/Association Representative to be present. If your rep is not available, ask to reschedule the meeting.

•  Listen carefully to accusations. Then ask for time to think or to secure information.

•  Record everything. Make detailed written notes of the events which occur in any confrontation or accusatory session, or of any other action which appears to be related. Take down every detail, including names of witnesses and others involved, time, date, what was said. Do it right away while the events are still fresh in your mind. Print out and make copies of any relevant correspondence or documents.

The Following is a List of Building Reps by School:  If your school is not listed, Please let us know.

Belmont Center - Mike Fidurko  and Renee Martinelli

Ellicottville Center - Kevin McGuire

Olean Center - Matt Schmidt, Kelley Liskow and Cory Nedell

Allegany-Limestone - Sara Hatch

Cuba Rushford Elementary - 

Elm Street Academy - 

Franklinville - Rebecca Messer, Alicia Pearl

Genesee Valley CSD -

Hinsdale - Erin Cornish

Olean Washington West - Marcel Kelly, Erin Cornish

Olean Intermediate Middle School  and Olean High School - 

Pioneer Delevan - 

Pioneer High School - Margaret Perkins

Pioneer Middle School - 

Scio CSD - 

RISE Academy - Maureen Young , Rychelle Weseman, Sara Hatch and Beth Miller

Wellsville Elementary - Julie Finnemore

Wellsville HS/Whitesville - 

Ellicottville Big Picture - Amanda Urmson

Friendship CSD - Maddie Hogue