UBTA Budget / Dues(Breakdown)

UBTA Expense Budget for July1, 2023 to June 30, 2024


 Be advised at the NYSUT RA (Representative Assembly) Held on April 27-29, 2023, the delegates authorized a NYSUT dues increase of $10.00 a year for the next 4 years.  In addition, AFT dues will increase $2.40 for the 2023-2024 year.  The last time NYSUT raised their dues was 2016 and the last time you saw a rise in UBTA dues was 2014.  Due to these rises in dues, you will see a slight rise in your biweekly deduction from your paycheck.  Currently your biweekly deduction is 30.20/36.25.  It will be increased to 30.78/36.93 which is an increase of .58/.68 from previous years when there has been no increase.

The Following is a Breakdown of where your dues money goes.

Full Dues ($35,000 or higher) NYSUT $386.00, AFT $242.16, UBTA $110.55

3/4 Dues ($26,250 to $34,999) NYSUT $289.50, AFT $121.08, UBTA $84.91

1/2 Dues ($17,500 to $26,249) NYSUT $193.00, AFT $121.08, UBTA $55.28

1/4 Dues ($8,750 to $17,499) NYSUT $96.50, AFT $60.54, UBTA $27.64

1/8 Dues (Under $8,749) NYSUT $48.25, AFT $30.27, UBTA $13.82